Hello all!
I teach my ES 20 course a bit different. Below you will find the write-up that I give to my students (you can find everything on my blog as well – just keep in mind that I deconstruct my blog in the summer, so check back in September 🙂 ).
This semester, you are going to begin your travels around the globe. You are a world traveler! You will be presented with a number of challenges and must travel the world to research and help develop solutions to these issues.
As you move through this course, you MUST keep a log book (your coil bound notebook). This will be a book where you keep jot notes and drawings; a book that you will carry with you in your “backpack” all the time! Think of this log book as your passport! Successful completion of your assessments, unit projects, and student-directed study action project will be considered your passport stamp and will allow for you to continue your journey.
You will need this book as we assess your knowledge in the future, therefore, you must keep this book in good condition and bring it with you to all classes. This book will travel with you on your outdoor and indoor adventures around the globe.
This semester, we will be focusing our energy into looking at how we, as individuals of Saskatchewan, can help solve global problems that are not only having an impact on the world population today but will continue to impact for years to come.
Did you know that By 2050, there will be at least 9 billion people on the planet? And, in the next 40 years, humans will need to produce more food that they have in the previous 10,000 years combined!
Wow – what kind of environmental impact will that have on our world? Throughout this course, we will be looking at current events as well as past events that have shaped our world as we know it today, and how we have adapted and mitigated those natural as well as man-made events. How will our Aquatic systems, Terrestrial systems, and Atmospheric systems be impacted by the pressure to produce more food for a growing Human Population? Throughout this course, we will continually examine careers that are related to Environmental science and will look at scientists who have had a major impact on our world with their work. With more people, and more industries required to sustain our current population, we inevitably produce more waste. How will we be able to safely manage the vast amount of waste produced?
It’s time to “Think Globally, Act Locally”!
So, gather your notebooks and pack your backpack! Take as many notes as you can, and keep all of your information in an organized manner as you will find that one journey blends into another. You are now boarding AIR COOPER!
Why not try creating sketchnotes?
You can find my resources for my course here.