Schrödinger’s Class – Physics PD from the University of Waterloo

The Institute for Quantum Computing has a professional development opportunity for you Physics teachers out there! Details below:

Learn how to teach quantum in your high school science classes and gain the tools to help your students understand it.

This December, the University of Waterloo’s Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) is offering Schrödinger’s Class, a free series of online workshops on quantum mechanics and technology for teachers, that will provide you with lesson plans and affordable activities to take back to your classroom.

Schrödinger’s Class consists of 3 two-hour interactive workshops during the first week of December, with weekday and weekend options available. Topics covered include quantum superposition, wave-particle duality, the uncertainty principle, and quantum computing. More information and the application (open until November 1st) can be found here:

Hope you’re all having a great week all of you Sask Science Teachers!