Sciematics 2015

Sciematics 2015

Embracing Change  ~ New Curricula/New practices

Sciematics 2015 is a provincial conference for Science and Mathematics teachers from Kindergarten to Grade 12.  It is hosted by the Saskatchewan Science Teachers’ Society. As has been the longstanding tradition of Sciematics, this conference will include quality sessions in math and science.

 Do you have some interesting ideas or strategies that you would like to share with your colleagues?  We would like to invite you to submit a session proposal for Sciematics 2015.  The conference will be held in Regina at the University of Regina.  

We believe that Sciematics 2015 will be an exciting time when Science and Mathematics teachers will learn new techniques, ideas and strategies that they can use with their students.  It is only with the ASSISTance of individuals like you that this will become a reality. We invite you to consider a proposal for a one hour workshop or presentation. Everybody has their area(s) of expertise. The more we share this expertise, the better the outcome for our students!

Although Sciematics 2015 is not able to cover any of your expenses, you will be entitled to a complimentary conference registration (which itself includes a two-year membership with the SSTS).  If you plan to be joined by a colleague, the committee is only able to offer one complimentary registration.  Please complete the form and return it as soon as possible.

On a closing note, we know that your participation in our conference will contribute to the professional development of Science and Mathematics teachers in Saskatchewan and we hope that we will see you in Saskatoon in May of 2015. If you have any questions please contact one of our committee members.

Sciematics Committee Members from SSTS


Patrick A. Kossmann
Email:  Patrick.kossmann(at)

Phil Langford
Email: phil.langford(at)

Just change the (at) to @