SSTS Social Media:
Resources & PD Opportunities:
Check out some of the most recent PD Opportunities shared with us.
- A summer PD event for Saskatchewan Teachers to learn more about Science.
- Bozeman Biology
- A YouTube channel focusing in Biology related videos to share with your class.
- The Canadian Light Source:
- CLS on Facebook
- Teacher workshops available – see website for details
- Curriculum Corner (NESD)
- Focusing on Saskatchewan Curriculum, you will find a wealth of curriculum, assessment and instruction related resources includingrriculum including unpacked outcomes, UbD resources and much much more.
- National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)
- A collection of learning resources including journal articles, interactive simulation based science objects, e-book chapters, archived web seminars and enhanced video podcasts.
- Summer Institute for Elementary Teachers – Canada Science and Technology Museums Corporations
– Tomatosphere Project info
- Resources for Science Classes – General Science, Phsyical Science, Life Science, games, and much more!